The exhibition

The Peasants' War of 1525 shaped the collective memory in the German-speaking area for generations. Thuringia was not only the scene of a decisive turning point in the uprising, but also the final place of activity of the radical reformer Thomas Müntzer. For these reasons, the Thuringian state government decided to use the 500th anniversary of the German Peasants' War as an opportunity to host a Thuringian State Exhibition in Mühlhausen and Bad Frankenhausen in 2025.

In Mühlhausen: 26 April to 19 October 2025
In Bad Frankenhausen: 10 May to 17 August 2025

Learn more
What would you have done…

The History

LifeworldThe Twelve ArticlesRebellion 1525Thomas MüntzerRole of the ReformationConsequencesHistory of reception

Exhibition locations

St. Marien Museum | Müntzer Memorial


Peasants' War Museum Kornmarktkirche


Museum of Cultural History

"It is hard to believe how all the authorities, knights and rulers in all of Germany were so disheartened that even ten peasants without armor were able to occupy an invulnerable castle. - Then it turns around again that a single knight could capture ten peasants."
Friedrich Myconius (1490-1546)
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